Companion Services

Memory care caregiver

At times all someone needs is a kindred spirit and personal attention to brighten their day

Companionship improves the health and well-being of all of us, for it means that we are not alone. Our Companion Care is so much more than running errands and preparing meals—it is about healthy social interaction and emotional support.

The first skill we look for in a caregiver is heart, a willingness to be truly present with a client. While caring for the needs of the body is important, we connect to our Care Clients on a deeper level by being a friend. We know that listening to thoughts of the moment, worries, and remembered tales of the past soothes and brightens the spirit. Whether discussing world events, celebrating the great-grandchild’s latest accomplishment, or laughing at an old joke, our caregivers are all ears, eyes, and heart.

When coping with chronic and degenerative conditions, having someone acknowledge what you or a loved one is going through helps to ease the pain. For elderly clients dealing with the loss of friends and their abilities, having an empathetic companion provides comfort and softens the feeling of isolation and loneliness. Having a kindred spirit listen makes all the difference.

We listen in all ways. Tuning into our Care Clients, we watch for changes in mood and ability to communicate—both what is being said and what isn’t—and inform the appropriate person whether it be family, case manager, or the doctor.

Our compassionate one-on-one, non-medical care and quality companionship is offered to seniors, chronically ill, disabled, those recovering from injury, and children or young adults with special needs. Whether through art projects, playing games, help reading, or taking a walk in the sunshine, our caregivers bring a higher quality of life to those they serve.

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